Now, just what is weather stripping? It’s like a tiny barricade you stick to the base of your door. This barrier is designed to prevent rain, wind and dirt from getting into your home. It’s extremely easy to put on your door, and once it’s in, you will be amazed how much warmer and more comfortable your house becomes.
The outdoors it truly cold it the winter, that is why you want every part of your house to seem warm and welcoming. Weather stripping works great for this, as it retains the warm air
At times, you may feel a draft in your house. A draft is cold air that enters through small cracks in your doors or windows. These tiny gaps can leave your home cold and drafty. If not, weather
One of the other best benefits of weather stripping is it prevents nuisance pests, such as bugs or mice, from getting inside your home. These little creatures can occasionally find their
Insulation is an essential element in maintaining comfort of your house. Think of it as a thermal barrier that helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Weather stripping is an important part of the insulation in your house, as it ensures outside air does not enter. Properly sealing your doors will make your house more comfortable in all seasons and save energy.